Monday, January 19, 2009

For Today...

Go here for more about the Simple Woman's Daybook.

Outside my window... it is still dark, but the sun is just peeking through. Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day.
I am thinking... that I am blessed beyond measure.I am thankful for... my family. Hannah is spending the day at a friend's house and Taryn has been invited to go to the zoo with someone else. I am glad that they get to go out and have a break. They do so much for us at home.
From the learning rooms...the books will stay on the shelves as today is a day off due to the MLK holiday. I was going to have a regular school day and then the girls were invited to go out with their =]
From the kitchen... I will be throwing a pork loin in the crock pot for the rest of us - I don't expect the girls to be back in time to eat.
I am wearing... my pj's and a cozy robe...Halloween footy socks...LOL
I am creating... lots of fun stuff! I got several etsy orders for the mailboxes. WHAT?? You haven't ordered yours yet? What are you waiting for? =]
I am going... to relax and take the day slow. Something I rarely let myself do.
I am reading... The Shack. I started to read it, put it down and now I am trying to read it again. It's not my normal choice for reading. A little hard for me to get into, but I hear that I need to read it - so, I'm trying.
I am hoping... to get more etsy orders, to get the girls on target with their goals and finish up plans for the Valentine's Banquet.
I am hearing... the neighborhood dogs barking, someone must be taking their early morning walk. That always gets them going.
Around the house... There is a bit of laundry to do, but for the most part...I will be tending to my crafts and my babies.
One of my favorite things... is when Taryn brings me a cup of perfectly made coffee with the foam on top (thanks to the Senseo machine) and Naomi wakes up and comes directly to me and still in her sleepiest voice says, "Good morning, mom".
A few plans for the rest of the week: I have a few appointments and errands to run, post office trip will be inevitable, watching the Inauguration on t.v. and hopefully staying FOCUSed.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Best Buddies - Naomi is so patient with Marco. He often ends up falling asleep like this!

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