Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Day 2 of the best weekend ever... =]

Erin is being certified as a Holy Yoga instructor. I have been interested in yoga for a long time. You know how it is. You see these people that are lean and flexible, very quiet spirited and think I want to be like that. So we decide it would be a fun experience to go to a Yoga class together. Well, Erin and I decided it would be fun - Melissa was a good sport and went along with it. We got to the yoga center and the first thing we saw was the shoes waiting outside the door. Oh, okay. So we take off our shoes. We go in to meet the instructor. She was very bubbly, cute, and small. We all looked at each other thinking the same thing - Yes. We too can look like this. LOL We enter the class. It is Melissa's and my first time attending a yoga class. We don't do too bad. It was not as hard as I thought it would be, but there were some times that I wanted to cry "mama". You really work up a sweat - or at least I did. Another problem was that I wanted to laugh so many times. It was so quiet and peaceful, yet I am thinking of all sorts of hilarious scenarios. I made it through the class without embarrasing myself or my friends. It came close though at one point when she "dinged" the little cymbals or whatever. First thing that came to my mind when I heard it was, "oh, the hot pockets must be ready!"...sorry, but you would've thought it sounded like a microwave too! More of our day in the next post...


SavedbyGrace said...

did jonny knoxville come to mind? LOL!

Brynn said...

OMGosh, that totally has me LOL! Ding