Saturday, March 15, 2008

March 12 on 12 Challenge

I have decided to join in on a 12 on 12 challenge. The idea is to take 12 pictures of your day on the 12th of every month. This is my first month in the challenge and I didn't really get what I would call "exciting" photos, but I guess that not every day is exactly exciting. LOL So, here is what I got.

This is our new place. It is actually the first picture of the house that I've taken. This was before anyone else was up - well, except for hubby. He was already at work.

This is our pool. It is the hi-lite of our house (for the girls anyway). I love the backyard because of the benches that we placed back by the trees. It is a very peaceful place to hang out early in the morning or late at night. Gotta love the warm California climate.

Guess which one of my kids was the first to wake up? He's usually my first companion in the morning. I love the time we have to play before the hectic day gets started.

I usually have two cups of coffee. One when I first wake up, and one when Taryn gets up. She likes to make my coffee. However, she does not like that I am taking her picture this morning. LOL "Aww, mom........", says she.

Okay, technically - this is the first kid awake in this house! This is Oso. My Jack Russell - Chihuahua mix. He's hiper, but we love him!

Naomi did not want to put on socks or slippers today. Why? Because she said that her toes were pretty - that's why! We don't wear shoes in the house normally, but most of the house is wood and tile so I like them to wear socks or slippers in the morning. Not this girl! Nope!

Here's Marco. Busy at his job already. Those letter blocks that you see - I have a love/hate relationship with them. They are the magnetic Leap Frog ABC thing. Naomi learned her ABC's with them and is even starting to recognize some of them - but there are so many! Upper and lower case and he loves to drag them all around. *sigh*

The school day has started at about 8:45. Hannah is doing her writing.

Here's Taryn doing her spelling.

...and of course Naomi loves to get working. She calls this "my project". She is very busy as you can see.
I got busy all day and forgot to take any other pictures. We also had church tonight and I wanted to take my camera for our kids club that we have. Oh, well. Like I said, I am new at this. LOL
This is Hannah after her shower giving Marco his last bottle.
Here is the last picture of the day. I just realized that I didn't get one picture of Big Marco this time. Oh well. Wednesdays are very busy for him. This is the time I actually got ready to go to bed today. This is a miracle, but I was exhausted. They don't call me Midnite Scrapper for nothing you know!
Hopefully, I will get these pictures on a layout soon. =]


Lee said...

Great shots! Your kids are GORGEOUS but there's no surprise there. Can't wait to see the layout.

SavedbyGrace said...

Beautiful home! Abby got excited when she saw your pool!
and Marco has hair!!!!! I love those pictures of him. 13 weeks left and I'll be seeing you all! :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful kids!!! and I love Oso! We have a Toy Fox Terrier. .love the terriers! Once again, thanks for helping me start my blog!

Tonia said...

Great pictures! Your kids are adorable.

Melissa said...

What a great idea! I may have to CASE that one. It looks like your days are full of laughter and love. You have a beautiful family.