Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thankful Thursday...

I don't know if it's already a meme, but it sounds good, right? Thankful Thursday! Sounds way better than Thoughtless Thursday or Thumbsucker about Thistle Thursday? Yeah, that is exactly what I thought. Thankful sounds best!
My sweet grandmother, who is 84 years old and well, gave me her copy of "Streams in the Desert". Her Aunt Zeda (my great great aunt) wrote a sweet note in the front and it is dated March 13, 1946. That's my grandmother's birthday.
Anyway, I love seeing it on the bookshelves at stores even today. Her copy was made in 1945 and was in it's 24th printing! I guess there's some good stuff in this book!
It's a daily devotional book of encouragement. Filled with great verses, quotes, anecdotes...and it's meant to be read daily and is dated as such.
It has been updated and modernized many times since it's original writing (I think 1925), and you can follow it on line. The stories are no longer in the same order, but it's all good.
Todays verse is:
"Giving thanks always for all things unto God." Ephesians 5:20
Well, isn't that just perfect timing? Right when I was about to get my thankfulness on!! Mrs. Cowman goes on to say that there once was a man that drew some black dots. They looked at his work and could not make sense of it. All they saw was an irregular assemblage of black dots, but then, this same man added a few lines, put in a few rests, then a clef at the beginning, and they saw that those black dots were actually music notes. On sounding them, they were singing,
"Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below."
There are many black dots and spots in our lives, and we cannot understand why God permitted them to come. But if we let God come in and take lead and adjust the dots in the proper way, and draw the lines and add the rests where they need to be - He will make a glorious harmony. Why would I want to get in the way of that?
"Many men owe the grandeur of their lives to their tremendous difficulties." ~C.H. Spurgeon

I'm thankful for the new property that we'll be renting for our congregation. So much room to grow! Lots of classrooms and lots of parking!

I'm thankful that my kids are active and that they love being outdoors and trying new things.
This is Hannah at Lake Perris during swim camp. Her first experience kayaking.

I am thankful that my children are happy. We may not be rich in material wealth, but we certainly are blessed beyond measure!
This is Taryn at SoupPlantation. She has a beautiful smile, don't you agree?

I am thankful that all of my children love to read. I hope that it will open up their mind, that it will allow them to dream and that they will know our Heavenly Father more because of it.
This is my little Marco. He loves to "read" back to us. He's pretty good with following the pictures. Not bad for someone who's not yet 2 years old. =]

I am thankful for the simple color and beauty that surrounds me.

I am thankful that my children all enjoy being silly. We love to laugh as a family. We laugh hard. Laughter is good for the soul.
Here's Naomi making one of her famous faces. I definitely need to scrapbook all the faces this girl makes. So funny. Of course, if you ask her to do it on command - she clams up. LOL

I am thankful for a husband who is my best friend, an awesome father, a hard working provider and loving pastor. He gives so much and never asks for anything in return.
Here's Marco carrying little Marco on a Sunday afternoon.

I am thankful for so much. I am thankful that I have a blog or place that I can come to put my thoughts. Until next time....
Oh, be sure and appreciate all the black dots and scribbles in your life. Someone is writing your song!!


SavedbyGrace said...

I love reading your encouraging posts. How neat about the book you have from grandma that is so special.

Blue Jeans and White Cotton Dresses said...

This was exactly what I needed today...actually last night...after the funeral....I have so much to thank God for and take alot of people for granted....One views life differently after watching a 33 year old wife say good bye to her huasband....Thanks...I neede this...

Rachel Ballenger said...

What a beautiful, wonderful post. I may have to try to read that book! Your blog is always so encouraging, Sherry. Thank you for what you wrote here.
Love you!

Yolanda said...

This was so beautiful and I loved all the pictures of your children. LOVELY CHILDREN! How you orchestrated the devotion with the dots, lines and cool.
