I am always up way earlier than any of the kids, but this week, I've tip-toed around even more quietly than I usually do, 'cause once this boy is up - he is UP! He makes the Energizer Bunny look wimpy!
I decided to really take note of a recent blog post I read about mentoring. Really getting involved and not just giving orders.
So, we've been playing, counting, laughing, wrestling, running, chasing, more laughing, butterfly kisses, eating...I can't get enough of this kid. He really has changed my life.
Yesterday, I had to work on an order for Etsy. I could've just stuck a video in the t.v. and shuffled him off to the other room, but the thought of it practically broke my heart.
I asked him if he wanted to color while mommy worked.
Duh. What kind of question is that? All of my kids have a special fondness for anything art related. Hmmmm...wonder where they get that from?
The following pictures are of him just having a blast. I let him use my beloved Mr. Sketch smelly markers. They truly are the best markers ever.
No, he did not color everywhere because I was too involved in my project...I let him. At first, I tried to stop him and then I thought - "Why not? It's washable."
So I let him go to town.
I love him. I love him,especially, all painted up.
I needed this week with him. Being the youngest of 4 in a very busy family is not always easy. You tend to get shuffled aside more often than not. I get to focus on him and him alone. Ahhhhh... my guy.
awwww... I love reading about your time with him. He is just to precious and getting soooo big.
You're such a good mommy! I admire the way you get to know your children so well. Not too many moms these days do that. What a special gift you have been given in your little man.
He is so cute and your an awesome mommy... :)
We are just so fortunate to be able to have the time to spend with the ones we care about the most. Your blogs are lovely and your talent and creativity is awesome!!
Enjoy the rest of your day!
Hugs, Nerina :)
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