Monday, September 7, 2009

~Simple Woman's Daybook~

You can find more Simple Woman's Daybooks at Peggy's Site here.
FOR TODAY~September 7, 2009...
Outside my window...
The sun is shining hard already. It's 7 am and 70 degrees already!
I am thinking...
that I am really blessed with the most wonderful family. My little boy Marco came and woke me up with hugs and kisses. Is there anything sweeter than that from a 2 year old? I think not.
I am thankful for...
my husband. He is my best friend and we had a wonderful day yesterday at church and I love serving the people by his side.
From the kitchen...
Nothing at the moment, but later will be getting ready for a small Labor Day dinner with friends.
I am wearing...
my most comfortable cotton nightgown that my mother-in-law made for all of us girls. It is a bit faded and worn, but so comfortable!
I am creating...
a list of things I need to do. I want to do some letter writing - it's been so long. I need to get some groceries and post some things on ebay. I need to be CREATING, but that will come later...
I am going...
to breakfast with my family once everyone is up and ready.
I am reading...
only my history textbooks lately... I love them just as much as anything else though... =]
I am hoping...
that the weather will start to cool off and that my beloved fall season can begin. I want so badly to take out my fall things, but it's been about 106 degrees everyday. lol
I am hearing...
my two little ones playing with the hoola hoop from last nights games.
Around the house...
there is much evidence of our special Hawaiian themed Sunday all over the place. We are renting our new location, so all church items get stored here. Hoping to get everything picked up and in order before this evening as we have company coming over!
One of my favorite things...
is all of the fall decor and scents that are starting to get put out on shelves at all the stores.
A few plans for the rest of the week:
We've got school, school and more school! =]
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
We had a Hawaiian theme at church for the Labor Day weekend service. Lots of fun, food and friends. These are my four babies!


Jennie said...

That was fun to read! It felt like I enjoyed a cup of tea and heard about your day!

Happy Labor Day, friend...Love ya!

Jennifer at Shoreline Journeys said...

What a lovely blog, and a wonderful post!

Here is mine!

Leaon Mary said...

Loved your daybook!
I used to do that and got out of the habit because I thought I was writing the same thing every week. heehee. I might try it again, next Monday.
The picture of the kids is sooo good!
Blessings to you this day Sherry!
Have a great day!

TrulyBlessed said...

oh sis... i love it!!! i miss you so much and i feel like we have really disconnected... i hope everything is going well. it looks like it! =) i am making chicken fajitas right now and waiting for PJ to get off work. i love you so much. just wanted you to know that. p.s. i love the picture!