Thursday, May 15, 2008

May 12 on 12...barely!

Okay, so imagine my shock when I went to read Shirley's blog and saw her incredible 12 on 12 post! I screamed! Scared my family. Seriously. I had already started the challenge late into the year, but I couldn't go and miss a month right in the middle! Ugh.
Wait, I still have time to sum up my day. I can do this... My family just looked at me like I was nuts (again). Let's start with something that might just send some of you running...sorry.

Here are some NY Strip steaks I got on sale. Seasoned and waiting for the grill. Yum!

The newest thing in our house is our new Webkinz. Yup. We are just figuring out what they are. We got this one for free from Limited Too for spending a certain amount. Probably $1,000,000 or something. The prices there are just ridiculous. That's why my girls love it I guess. *sigh*
This is a wall hanging that Hannah made for me. They are altered CD's. I just hung it up. Eventually, I will have the walls in my scraproom painted and it will look even better. Isn't she great? However, she did ask (after the fact) where that one adhesive was that you use on vellum. LOL
Got the towels folded and put away. Yes. They are a sad sight, but hey - they are clean and put away!

I have several globes. I love them. Must be a History Teacher thing. Anyway, my little one just loves this one. It lights up. She likes to play with it and incorporate it into her games. Hmmm.... I wonder if she can name the 7 continents yet....
I got this orchid plant from my mom when I had Naomi. It's been almost 3 years. The blooms are year round and beautiful. This is just one of the most recent ones to open.! Naomi's Croc broke. They are her favorites. Oh, well. She probably needs new ones, but she said, "Dat's okay mom, I fix it." =]

Another picture of Naomi. I can't help it. She loves the camera. She got these sunglasses from Cousin Sherri. She loves them and of course wears them like a 2 year old should.
The exciting purchases at CVS today. Don't you hate spending money on stuff like this? Yuck. I would've loved to have bought something more fun, but such is life!
Our beautiful bed broke. We've taken it apart so many times that part of it was sure to go. Hubby decided he could fix it. Now. Right after dinner. Guess what? It worked! Yea! I get to keep my pretty bed. =D

Okay. This is the book I'm currently reading. About a year...maybe two years sister brought a trilogy for me to read. She was raving about it. I just.could.not. get into it. Well, guess what Esther? Read all of Voice In the Wind on my way to and from Grandma's. I couldn't put it down. I am trying to read this one now, but my kids keep bothering me! LOL
And last, but not least....a final load of laundry for the night. It's the never-ending story in this house. I sit on the floor to fold my laundry and I am very picky about how everything is folded. How about you?

Well, there you have it. Not very exciting, but I got it done. Phew! That was close. Thanks to Shirley, I made it. ;o>


~~Carrie Ann said...

Gah! Love that Francine Rivers Triology! I also love your broken bed! That is how our lives are! We've had to move so many times, that even the furniture from Ikea that is meant to be taken apart many times begins to break and fall apart! AHHH! Life! :)

Lee said...

GREAT job! "I fix it" is a terrifying phrase from any child. Oh, and I'm a picky folder, too. Looks like fun at your house!

shirley said...

Sherry - you did a great job - I knew you would! And I am sorry I made you scream.
My kids love webkinz as well - we have way too many of them.

SavedbyGrace said...

Seee!! good books Yah!?!

Anonymous said...

Haha I love those books too! I couldn't put them down. Thanks for sharing with us.